The Russian Civil War

A Test of Time Scenario by Michael Daumen

Since Alex Mor retired with only tantalizing glimpses of what his scenario looked like, and techumseh's Civ2 scenario is one ofm y favorites, I resolved to convert his to Test of Time. I told techumseh that the only thing I really disliked were the free-moving armored trains. "Mike," he said, "you know, in Test of Time it would be easy to make a railroad terrain, then make all other terrain types impassable. Then give every unit BUT trains the impassable terrain flag, and voila - trains must stick to the rails." It worked. So stealing as much material from Alex and Nemo as I could, I set out to make the definitive Russian Civil War Scenarios. Here are some screenshots.

The Red Army meets up with the defenders of Omsk. An armored train blocks the way of the Bolshevik advance, while the flanking Red Cavalry meets with Cossacks. Rushing to Kolchak's defense are infantry and cavalry of the Czech Legion. Control of railroads is vital to this scenario, as the only link between East and West is along the Trans-Siberian railway.

- - - - - Allied intervention in North Russia begins! U.S. Marines have landed to retake Murmansk with British troops as the Chekists evacuate. A unit of Red Guards travels along the rail line to relieve the town. Further north, a Bolshevik armored car is pinned down by Independent Finns and Freikorps. To the south, a Commisar visits a collective farm to requisition grain for hungry workers.

Players can choose the Bolsheviks, White Russians, Entente Powers, Japanese, Cossacks, or Independent Nations (Finns, Poles and Ukranians) for play.