Category:World War II

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World War II witnessed the advent of all elements of modern warfare as we know them today; airborne troops and special forces, guided munitions and ballistic missiles, the main battle tank and field radios, individual fieldcraft and camouflage, rotor and jet aircraft, aircraft carriers and strategic airpowers, radar and sonar. The huge popularity of World War II scenarios has allowed this short period of less six years to have its own section. Relive battles from all the major campaigns of the War including the Fall of France and Low Countries, North Africa, Barbarossa, D-Day, the Pacific Theatre and the Atlantic War.

Thumb Name Period Designer Version
1apag.png Appeasement and Aggression 1936 AD Case
2Blitzkrieg.gif The Blitzkrieg Series 1936/1941/1942 AD Eivind IV
3Chirunit.png Chir Battle 1942 AD Exile
4CruelSeaUnits.png The Cruel Sea 1940-1944 AD Case
5Kobayashi DST.gif Dainichi Sekai Taisen v3.0 1937 AD kobayashi
6Desert war.gif The Desert War 1941-1942 AD Eivind IV
7Curtsibling dictatorTOT.gif Dictator (ToT) v5.0 1940 AD curtsibling
8Focke1.gif Dictator II (ToT) v6.0 1941 AD curtsibling
9Churchill.gif Fortress Europe 1941 AD McMonkey
10BFC icon.gif Fortress Koenigsberg(BFC) v1.0 1945 AD kobayashi
11Panse goetterdaemmerung.gif Götterdämmerung 1944 AD Jim Panse
12Weserbike.gif The Norwegian Campaign 1940 AD Eivind IV
13OMGUNIT.gif Operation Market Garden 1944 AD Techumseh
14Red Front NKVDTrooper.gif Red Front v1.4 1941 AD Captain Nemo & Alex Mor
15RoDic.gif Rise of the Dictators 1936 AD McMonkey
16EW1.png The Eurasian Wars 1941 AD curtsibling
17SCWUNIT.png The Spanish Civil War v3 1936-39 AD Pablostuka
18Panzerfaust.gif WWII Europa 1941 AD McMonkey
19Zweiter Icon.gif Zweiter Weltkrieg v2.2 1939 AD kobayashi