Fantastic Worlds Advance Slot Properties
An authoritative guide to the unique characteristics of the 'advances slots' that intertwine to make the Civ2 technology tree.
Version 1.4.
The Advance Slots |
Creating an engaging scenario or mod-pack for Civ2 will in all likelihood involve modifying the advances or technology tree as set out in scenario's rules.txt file. The tree itself can be modified, however a large number of 'slots' (row position in the table) have unique characteristics and care must be taken to ensure that tribes begin with and if appropriate discover technologies appropriate to their circumstance.
Version Changes |
Version 1.1 clarifies several differences between FW scenarios and ToT scenarios where known. ToT research in no where near complete so there may be several omissions.
Version 1.2 corrects a long standing misconception about the effects of technology on temples. The effects of advances on the literacy demographic have been revised. ToT advance properties have been removed from this guide and now have their own guide.
Version 1.3 clarifies the properties of Democracy, Explosives, Fundamentalism, Nuclear Fission, Magnetism, Radio and Refrigeration.
Version 1.4 identifies the special unit obsolescence rule associated with Gunpowder and lists the affects of that Flight, Invention, Navigation, and Rail Road have on the gold and science payoffs that caravan deliveries produce.
How to Use this Chart |
Slot is the order in which the technologies are listed in the rules.txt. The events.txt file sometimes refers to technologies by slot number.
Code is the abbreviation used to refer to the technology slot in the rules.txt file.
Trigger Effects of Discovery are all hard coded in the software and unchangeable by scenario designers. Effects that are event driven, like winning the game by discovering Transcendence, have been purposely excluded from this chart.
References to other parts of the rules.txt file (improvements, trade items, units) and support files (cities.gif, people.gif) always refer to the appropriate slot in the given section not necessarily the named item. For example if your renamed temples to cathedrals and cathedrals to museums then the discovery of theology would make museums more effective rather than cathedrals.
Technologies Table |
Slot | Code | Advance | Trigger Effects of Discovery |
0 | AFl | Advanced Flight | |
1 | Alp | Alphabet | Doubles the literacy demographics. This is cummulative with the effects of Writing, University, and Literacy |
2 | Amp | Amphibious Warfare | |
3 | Ast | Astronomy | |
4 | Ato | Atomic Theory | |
5 | Aut | Automobile | Increases population based pollution.
Automobile works with Electronics to change city pictures to the modern style (6th row in the cities.bmp file). Automobile works with Electronics to change the look of people to the modern style (4th row in the people.bmp file). |
6 | Ban | Banking | |
7 | Bri | Bridge Building | Allows settlers units to construct roads (and railroads) in river squares. |
8 | Bro | Bronze Working | |
9 | Cer | Ceremonial Burial | Ceremonial Burial allows temples to make one additional person content. See also Mysticism. |
10 | Che | Chemistry | |
11 | Chi | Chivalry | Changes the types of Barbarians produced by Goody Huts.
Changes the types of sea-based random Barbarians units produced. |
12 | CoL | Code of Laws | |
13 | CA | Combined Arms | |
14 | Cmb | Combustion | |
15 | Cmn | Communism | Allows the government type of the same name.
The discovery of Communism reduces the effect of Cathedrals by one. Cities produce more partisans. |
16 | Cmp | Computers | |
17 | Csc | Conscription | Changes the types of Barbarians produced by Goody Huts. |
18 | Cst | Construction | Construction allows settler units to build Fortresses. |
19 | Cor | Corporation | |
20 | Cur | Currency | |
21 | Dem | Democracy | Allows the government type of the same name.
Courthouses make one content citizen happy if the nation is operating under Democracy. However, the Democracy advance is not required for this effect to take place. |
22 | Eco | Economics | |
23 | E1 | Electricity | |
24 | E2 | Electronics | After the discovery of Electronics an additional citizen in each city is made content by coliseums.
Electronics works with Automobile to change city pictures to the modern style (6th row in the cities.bmp file). Electronics works with Automobile to change the look of people to the modern style (4th row in the people.bmp file). |
25 | Eng | Engineering | |
26 | Env | Environmentalism | Decreases population based pollution. |
27 | Esp | Espionage | |
28 | Exp | Explosives | Contrary to popular belief, Explosives does NOT inherently allow transformation orders or display the "New Order: Transform" message.
The ability to transform is inherent to unit in the Engineer slot of the RULES.TXT file. When this unit first becomes available the message will be displayed. |
29 | Feu | Feudalism | |
30 | Fli | Flight | Reduces by one third the amount of gold and science produced by caravan delivery. This affect is cumulative with all other modifiers. |
31 | Fun | Fundamentalism | Allows the government type of the same name.
The Fundamentalism advance does NOT inherently allow Fanatics to be build. Only nations operating under the Fundamentalism government can build the Fanatics unit once the advance making the Fanatics available has been discovered. Upon changing government type from Fundamentalism to any other type all cities producing Fanatics will switch to producing the unit in the Riflemen slot whether or not the nation has the prerequisite advance to build this unit. |
32 | FP | Fusion Power | Eliminates the threat of Nuclear Power Plant meltdown.
Adds 25% to spaceship mass/thrust paradigm. |
33 | Gen | Genetic Engineering | |
34 | Gue | Guerrilla Warfare | Captured cities produce partisan defenders.
Changes the types of Barbarians units produced by Goody Huts. Changes the types of land-based random Barbarians units produced. |
35 | Gun | Gunpowder | Sells all Barracks when discovered.
Increases Barracks maintenance cost by one (cumulative with Mobile Warfare). Changes the types of Barbarians produced by Goody Huts. Changes the types of land-based random Barbarians units produced. |
36 | Hor | Horseback Riding | |
37 | Ind | Industrialization | Changes city picture to industrial (5th row in cities.bmp) in any non-fantasy game.
Changes the look of people to industrial (3th row in people.bmp). Changes the types of land-based random Barbarians units produced. Increases population based pollution. Upon discovery the Industrialization advance oil appears as a supplied trade commodity in most cities. |
38 | Inv | Invention | Reduces by 50% the amount of gold and science produced by caravan delivery. This modifier is NOT cumulative with Navigation or the Turn 200 effect, but is cumulative with the reductions of Railroad and Flight.
Free advances can no longer be gained from goody huts. Invention works with Philosophy to change the citizen look to the renaissance style (2nd row in the people.bmp file). |
39 | Iro | Iron Working | Changes the types of Barbarians produced by Goody Huts.
Changes the types of sea-based random Barbarians units produced. |
40 | Lab | Labor Union | |
41 | Las | Laser | |
42 | Ldr | Leadership | Changes the types of Barbarians produced by Goody Huts. |
43 | Lit | Literacy | Doubles literacy demographics. This is cumulative with the effects of Alphabet, Writing, and University. |
44 | Too | Machine Tools | |
45 | Mag | Magnetism | Changes the vessel type of sea-based random Barbarians. |
46 | Map | Map Making | Allows civilizations to exchange maps. |
47 | Mas | Masonry | |
48 | MP | Mass Production | Increases population based pollution. |
49 | Mat | Mathematics | |
50 | Med | Medicine | Decreases your people's disease percentage by half. |
51 | Met | Metallurgy | Changes the types of Barbarians produced by Goody Huts. |
52 | Min | Miniaturization | |
53 | Mob | Mobile Warfare | Sells all barracks and increases barracks maintenance cost by one.
Changes the types of land-based random Barbarians units produced. Ends piracy. Barbarians no longer appear by sea. |
54 | Mon | Monarchy | Allows the government type of the same name. |
55 | MT | Monotheism | Monotheism allows Cathedrals to make three people content. Note that Cathedrals do not function without the discovery of Monotheism or Theology and Mysticism.
Changes the types of Barbarians produced by Goody Huts. |
56 | Mys | Mysticism | Mysticism allows temples to make one additional person content. See also Ceremonial Burial. |
57 | Nav | Navigation | Reduces by 50% the amount of gold and science produced by caravan delivery. This modifier is NOT cumulative with Invention or the Turn 200 effect, but is cumulative with the reductions of Railroad and Flight.
Navigation reduces the chances of triremes floundering. Changes the vessel type of sea-based random Barbarians. |
58 | NF | Nuclear Fission | Upon discovery the Nuclear Fission advance uranium appears as a demanded trade commodity in most cities. Uranium begins appearing as a supplied trade commodity in new founded cities. |
59 | NP | Nuclear Power | Nuclear Power increases the movement allowance of ships by one. |
60 | Phi | Philosophy | The civilization that first discovers Philosophy gains a free advance.
Invention works with Philosophy to change the look of people to the Renaissance style (2nd row in the people.bmp file). |
61 | Phy | Physics | |
62 | Pla | Plastics | Increases population based pollution. |
63 | Plu | Ultrastring Theory | |
64 | PT | Polytheism | Changes the types of Barbarians produced by Goody Huts. |
65 | Pot | Pottery | |
66 | Rad | Radio | Radio allows settlers and engineers to construct air bases.
Makes the Airlift command appear in the Orders menu. You can conduct airlifts without the Radio advance. The message about Airlifts and Airstrips will be displayed whenever Airports become available and NOT when Radio is invented. |
67 | RR | Railroad | Reduces by one third the amount of gold and science produced by caravan delivery. This affect is cumulative with all other modifiers.
Railroad allows settlers and engineers to build railroads. All city squares are automatically upgraded to railroad. |
68 | Rec | Recycling | |
69 | Ref | Refining | |
70 | Rfg | Refrigeration | Allows settlers and engineers to double-irrigate lands.
All city squares are automatically upgraded to farmland (double-irrigation) when Refrigeration is discovered. The benefits of double-irrigation, 50% food production bonus, will only be realized once the city has built the Supermarket improvement. Interestingly, the Refrigeration advance is not needed for this to take effect. |
71 | Rep | Republic | Allows the government type of the same name. |
72 | Rob | Robotics | |
73 | Roc | Rocketry | |
74 | San | Sanitation | Decreases population based pollution. |
75 | Sea | Seafaring | Seafaring reduces the chances of triremes floundering. |
76 | SFl | Space Flight | |
77 | Sth | Stealth | |
78 | SE | Steam Engine | |
79 | Stl | Steel | |
80 | Sup | Superconductor | |
81 | Tac | Tactics | Changes the types of sea-based random Barbarians units produced. |
82 | The | Theology | Theology improves the effectiveness of Cathedrals by one. |
83 | ToG | Theory of Gravity | |
84 | Tra | Trade | Enables the display of demanded trade goods of foreign cities. |
85 | Uni | University | Doubles literacy demographics. This is cumulative with the effects of Alphabet, Writing, and Literacy. |
86 | War | Warrior Code | |
87 | Whe | Wheel | |
88 | Wri | Writing | Doubles the literacy demographics. This is cumulative with the effects of Alphabet, University, and Literacy. |
89 | ... | Future Technology | Reoccurring technology.
Increases game score by five points. |
90 | U1 | User Def Tech A | |
91 | U2 | User Def Tech B | |
92 | U3 | User Def Tech C | |
93 | X1 | Extra Advance 1 | |
94 | X2 | Extra Advance 2 | |
95 | X3 | Extra Advance 3 | |
96 | X4 | Extra Advance 4 | |
97 | X5 | Extra Advance 5 | |
98 | X6 | Extra Advance 6 | |
99 | X7 | Extra Advance 7 |
Credits |
- CyberChrist who contributed many clarifications.
- Cam Hills and the Scenario League.
- Harlan Thompson and Leon Marrick upon whose ground breaking research this tip is founded.