The unittype object

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id (get) -> integer

Returns the id of the unit type.

name (get) -> string

Returns the name of the unit type.

prereq (get/set)

unittype.prereq -> tech

Returns the prerequisite technology of the unit type, or `nil` if it doesn't have one. Ephemeral.

domain (get/set)

unittype.domain -> integer

Returns the domain of the unit type (0 - Ground, 1 - Air, 2 - Sea). Ephemeral.

attack (get/set)

unittype.attack -> integer

Returns the attack factor of the unit type. Ephemeral.

defense (get/set)

unittype.defense -> integer

Returns the defense factor of the unit type. Ephemeral.

hitpoints (get/set)

unittype.hitpoints -> integer

Returns the number of hit points of the unit type. Ephemeral.

firepower (get/set)

unittype.firepower -> integer

Returns the firepower of the unit type. Ephemeral.

move (get/set)

unittype.move -> integer

Returns the movement rate of the unit type. Ephemeral.

range (get/set)

unittype.range -> integer

Returns the range of the unit type. Ephemeral.

expires (get/set)

unittype.expires -> tech

Returns the tech that renders the unit obsolete, or `nil` if there isn't any. Ephemeral.

cost (get/set)

unittype.cost -> integer

Returns the cost of the unit type. Ephemeral.

hold (get/set)

unittype.hold -> integer

Returns the number of holds of the unit type. Ephemeral.

role (get/set)

unittype.role -> integer

Returns the role of the unit type. Ephemeral.

flags (get/set)

unittype.flags -> integer

Returns the flags of the unit type (bitmask). Ephemeral.

nativeTransport (get/set)

unittype.nativeTransport -> integer

Returns the 'native transport' settings of the unit type (bitmask).

buildTransport (get/set)

unittype.buildTransport -> integer

Returns the 'build transport site' settings of the unit type (bitmask).

useTransport (get/set)

unittype.useTransport -> integer

Returns the 'use transport site' settings of the unit type (bitmask).


unittype:canEnter(tile) -> boolean

Alias for `civ.canEnter(unittype, tile)`