The tile object

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Back To TOTPP Functions

x (get)

tile.x -> integer

Returns the `x` coordinate of the tile.

y (get)

tile.y -> integer

Returns the `y` coordinate of the tile.

z (get)

tile.z -> integer

Returns the `z` coordinate of the tile (map number).

terrainType (get/set)

tile.terrainType -> integer

Returns the terrain type of the tile.

owner (get)

tile.owner -> tribe

Returns the tribe owning the tile.

improvements (get/set)

tile.improvements -> integer

Returns the tile's improvements (bitmask).

fertility (get/set)

tile.fertility -> integer

Returns the tile's fertility.

landmass (get/set)

tile.landmass -> integer

Returns the tile's landmass index.

city (get) -> city

Returns the city at the tile's location, or `nil` if there's no city there.

units (get)

tile.units -> iterator

Returns an iterator yielding all units at the tile's location.

defender (get)

tile.defender -> tribe

Returns the tile's defender.